Integrated Humanitarian Aid

What we do


Integrated Humanitarian Aid gives special consideration to helping accompanied senior refugees. With the 90% dependency Ratio in South Sudan, we lobby for resources to ensure that the 375,000 persons above the age of 65 in South Sudan strive to survive on their own.
Integrated Humanitarian Aid is doing the following to support Seniors:

1. Promotion: Integrated Humanitarian Aid (IHA) is fighting to achieve the following in these sectors that can promote a long life in: Education. It is lobbying the government to implement measures to enable older people to access higher education opportunities, functional and adult literacy programs, and vocational
education, including increased budget allocation for adult literacy programs in rural areas. Social security and employment. IHA is advocating for the Government to remove the mandatory retirement age of 60 so that older people can continue working if they want or need to. It is also fighting to call on the government to introduce a non-contributory universal pension as part of a broader strategy to
expand social protection measures.

Health. Advocates for the Government to ensure affordable and accessible healthcare for all seniors through the removal of any user fees for seniors; training of health workers in geriatric diseases; supply of medicines to treat age-related chronic and non-communicable diseases; provision of long-term health and
social care, including care that enables independent living, and palliative care.

2. Seniors Media Connect.
IHA uses social networks in the project called & quot; elderly people connect & quot; to reduce loneliness and the information gap between people. Here, IHA uses social media to connect older people to continue learning and engaging with each other, and connects older people with journalists and politicians to provide a platform to raise their voices for pro-laws and policies. of older people, connects them with psychiatrists, social workers and health workers with the aim of obtaining guidance on how to access services for their well-being.

3. SACCO empowerment. Less than 10% of the seniors in South Sudan prepare for their retirement. With limited supports to retirement in South Sudan, Integrated Humanitarian Aid is spearheading Village Savings and Loans schemes in Rural areas to help the seniors save for future investments to help them retire productively.

4. Retirement/Nursing home.
IHA has the future plan of establishing a retirement home for the senior South Sudanese. We believe this project that we are currently mobilizing resources for will help the seniors live a descent life in retirement where they will enjoy better medical
care, nutrition support, emotional & physical support, among others. 

Current Projects

April 2023-Septembler 2023. We are currently implementing an education in emergency project called‘Increasing access to safe and protective learning spaces through effective community participation in Abiemnom County’ funded at unicef targets 8,850 children (2,135 girls and 1,715 boys in Abiemnom Administrative Area. In the project, we aim to encourage girl & boy child education in flood affected areas of Awarping and Abiemnom counties by constructing Temporary Learning structures (TLS). The project also has a ‘Go-back-To-School” campaign where we train key stakeholders in supporting the education of targeted children. This is a cost sharing project where the donor (UNICEF) has contributed $141,326.00 and we have contributed $47,940.00 to achieve our goal.

May 2023-November 2023-Local Response Pooled Fund (LRPF) through Save the Children International extended support to us. The project is being implemented in Ruweng Administrative Area, Pariang County (Yida Payam, Panyieng Payam and Wakok Payam). In this six (6) months project, we target 3,000 children (1,700 girls and 1,300 boys) in child and GBV protection.

past Projects

In 2018-2019, with the support of UNICEF we established 10 temporary learning structures in Abiemnom. The project increased the schools’ enrollment from the baseline of 1,000 pupils to the current 3,873 pupils in the county.  We also established 12 WASH facilities (12 sex segregated Pit Latrines and 10 Hand washing Facilities) which has promoted the good hygiene practices within the schools.  Trained and dispatched 40 volunteer teachers who are working in different schools in Abiemnom County.  We trained 75 PTA members on their roles and responsibilities in schools, School Emergency Preparedness and Control and control in school.  Conducted a training of 60 community leaders on ECD programming, advocacy and community engagement in education.  Conducted 9 BTL campaigns across the county with key education messages which has also led to the increase in school enrolment. 

Between 2019-2020, United States Embassy in Juba funded our Adult literacy project called Functional Adult Literacy (FAL) where we trained more than 1,000 adults in Abyei with basic written and spoken English.

During covid-19 pandemic, with the support of World Health Organization (WHO),  we distributed 60,000 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) in Abyei Administrative Area, parts of Eastern Equatoria in Kapoeta particularly and 40,000 (PPE) in Abiemnom County.

Biodiversity Intervention

With our partner in Uganda, Vision for Inclusion, we are jointly implementing a project called “conservation Media Africa ” where we use the power of ‘storytelling’ to conserve Biodiversity with special interest to River Nile waters and the Refugee environment. In this partnership, we relay Environment journalists in South Sudan to investigate River Nile degradation stories which with the support of Vision for Inclusion is run in multimedia with special attention given to international media houses to inform Actions and policy formulations. 
We use the media as a tool to conserve biodiversity. As journalists play the “watchdog” role, they keep their ‘EYES’ and ‘EARS’ open monitoring those degrading the environment by investigating the destruction. We promote collaboration and cooperation among environment journalists to jointly cover cross-border environment stories aimed at informing similar responses by the affected countries on how to deal with the destruction of the environment. We are currently lobbying for grants to aid this work of the journalists.